Kapsita Mentorship 4St. Francis Moto Hope Dispensary & Mentorship Team and Molo Maternal and Child Health Program's Community Health Volunteers conduct teenage mentorship for Mwangaza Primary School students (22/2/2021) to train on: Early pregnancy (Causes and Prevention), Peer education (Drug abuse and peer influence), Sexual Offences and Abuse, Reproductive Health (Menstrual hygiene) and Covid-19 awareness.

OUTMentorship 8Congratulations to our Sunday's (21/2/2021) "Once upon a time..." story telling Mentorship Session, book prize winners :

Mutirithia Deworming 21A total of 375 Under five year old children from Mutirithia Village (Blessed Kids ECDE, Rose-park Academy, Broad Life, St. Paul's Nursery, Mutirithia Day care, Molo Springs, Umoja Academy and New Testament Nursery) were on 15/2/2021 de-wormed and given Vitamin C tablets in the Molo Maternal and Child Health Program's Medical Outreach.

Kiambiriria Deworming 12A total of 121 Under five year old children from Kiambiriria Village (Kiambiriria Primary, St. Miriam E.C.D.E and St. Peter's E.C.D.E) were on 10/2/2021 de-wormed and given Vitamin C tablets in the Molo Maternal and Child Health Program's Medical Outreach.

Kapsita Deworming 1A total of 46 Under five year old children from Kapsita Village (Mwangaza Primary) were on 10/2/2021 de-wormed and given Vitamin C tablets in the Molo Maternal and Child Health Program's Medical Outreach.

Feb chv meeting 1Molo Maternal and Child Health Program's Community Health Volunteers and St. Francis Moto Hope Dispensary Team hold their February Meeting (8/2/2021) at Moto Hope Center.

FebMentorship 2The children had a wonderful Health Education and Mentorship Day (6/2/2021) at the center whose theme was Mental Health & covid-19 aftermath

NgemiaBygumSetkotes 23A total of 292 Under five year old children from Ngenia, Bygum and Set-Kotes Villages (Ngenia ECD, Exodus ECD, By Grace Nursery, Bygum Primary and Set-Kotes Primary school) were on 4/2/2021 de-wormed and given Vitamin C tablets in the Molo Maternal and Child Health Program's Medical Outreach.

Kiambu Deworming 1A total of 30 Under five year old children from Kiambu Village (Kiambu ECDE) were on 4/2/2021 de-wormed and given Vitamin C tablets in the Molo Maternal and Child Health Program's Medical Outreach.

profileA total of 110 Under five year old children from Muthinji Village (Muthinji Primary and Kaptembwa ECD) were on 3/2/2021 de-wormed and given Vitamin C tablets in the Molo Maternal and Child Health Program's Medical Outreach.

Mass Fr Francis 10The children and staff are very excited to have more frequent Holy Mass celebrated by our Founder and Patron; Fr. Francis Kabiru while he is here (Kenya) with us.


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