Once upon a timeAt St. Francis Moto Hope Center and Academy, we believe that reading is essential for a child’s success. We have an adequately stocked ultramodern library that is bursting with exciting books for learning and entertainment. Our children enjoy their library/maktaba lessons and their own leisure reading.

“Once upon a time…” is a monthly event that is chaperoned by Verarita Wananyanga a communications officer at Moto Hope Mission. Grade four students are tasked with reading at least two story books from the library every month at the end of which they gather under a tree with Verarita to story tell and discuss the various titles they read in the month. Every narrator is awarded and the best of them with the most reads in the month wins the ultimate prize; a book that is not available at the library. Students from the upper classes attend as guests only if they have read at least three books.

The objective of this prompt is to inculcate, develop, nurture and grow a reading culture in our children. They are able to develop their language skills, boost their imagination and creativity as well as expose themselves to new things. In the silence of reading in the library they challenge and feed their brains with knowledge and experiences from the various reading materials. The story telling sessions sharpen their communication and public speaking skills as well as self confidence.


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