Access to Education, Entrepreneurial and Agri-Business Skills is a Critical Need in this Remote Area
- Most dwellers of Moto Village (a largely subsistence farming area) are from poor economic backgrounds and live below the universal poverty line of $2.00 a day.
- The numerous children in pursuit of quality education walk over 3-4 miles each way to attend the overcrowded Moto Central School which has a current population of over 2,000 kids.
- It’s not uncommon for a classroom to have 60-80 children under one teacher. Primary Education by government requirement is ‘Free” but the government is unable to meet the need as the school-going population continues to rapidly grow at a rate that overwhelms the available public resources and facilities.
- It is in view of the above that we as private education partners seek to provide a quality and better alternative for some of the children in this region who are eager to quench their thirst for knowledge and education.
- Women and young people also need educational help and training for life, working, and entrepreneurial skills, which will result in the economic empowerment of this region.
Our Greatest Needs
We seek Partners and Investors who can work with us to improve our programs in Education, Mentorship, Micro-Lending, Health Care, and Agri-Business.
- Your prayers and financial support of our mission are always needed and valued. BEFRIEND a child-Hand-to-Heart Enriches both, consider it.
- It takes only $720 to educate one child for a year! That is just $60 per month or for Tuition only $15 per month.
- Establish a tuition fund for children from poor families.
- Establish Junior High school as a requirement of the new Competency Based Curriculum in Kenya.
- Maintain a conducive learning environment for our kids and remunerate our teachers and workers fairly to attract the best in the market.
- Improve our Health Clinic and partner with other health providers to reach and serve the larger community.
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