You can do this by contributing as little as $15 per month ($180 annually) to help pay at least 1/8 of the cost of educating one student per year. Expenses include:
Yearly Tuition - $310
Room & Board - $240
Full cost per child a year - $550
Audrey Masimore will link you with one of our students in Kenya. You will in turn receive his/her progress reports and exchange correspondence, through email and regular mail. You are free to choose your level of giving. The most rewarding aspect of this program is the priceless relationship that is fostered between a child and his or her befriender.
Write to Your Child
The children highly value your regular correspondence with them. Besides being aware of the love, care and your good thoughts of them, the correspondence challenge them to improve their English reading and writing skills. Your care and contributions to their education inspire them to work harder for they want you their befriender to be proud of them. Many of these children,live in the rural set up, having a person that really cares about them is of deep emotional value to them.
Engage with your child (friend) through:
At the moment, letters are delivered to your child/friend twice a year. As technology gradually improves at the school, you will be in a position to communicate with him/her more frequently.
The deadlines for letters are December 1st and June 1st:
Postal: Audrey Masimore
The Befriender Co-ordinator
Moto Hope Mission
P.O. Box 1484
Walker MN 56484
Phone: 1(218) 330 9325
Email: Letters may be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject: ( place your student's full name here)
We don't recommend sending anything of value to the children; though photos are fine as the children appreciate them. If there is something special you would like to have done for your child, we kindly request that you do it through the Program.
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity