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Moto Hope Mission Academy and Center is the first Primary school in the Molo region (Kenya) to install  state of the art point to point wireless network; February 2018.

Internet connectivity has in these times ceased to be a luxury and become an inevitable necessity to meet societal needs. At the academy and center, students as well as staff are conveniently accessing the wealth of information available online. We have beefed up our digital learning program, and both the staff and students are able to conduct exhaustive research via the instant access to the internet. The constant and strong WiFi connection whose hot-spots cover the library/the computer lab, the staff room, the administration block, the Farm/Molo Waters offices as well as the Clinic has already proved to be an invaluable investment to the institution.

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Access to the internet by teaching staff is enabling our children to enjoy higher quality lessons and give them the same chances as their counterparts in other regions like Nairobi, who access the same educational material.

The students are learning to use the internet to their benefit at a very tender age. The internet connectivity will also go a long way in boosting the Befriender program. The children are excited by the fact that they will not only develop their communication skills, but will also be in a position to regularly communicate with their friends(befrienders) in the US via electronic tools especially email.

The teaching staff are already adding to their expertise and experience through online refresher courses. Communication with parents, stakeholders and all interested parties within and without the Center has also received a major boost through efficiency and speed. The staff at the farm, the Clinic and Molo Waters, departments are now in a position to use the internet in their service and product delivery: learn, improve the quality of products and services as well as reach more clients and partners. The wireless networking at the organization has steered remarkable improvement in the quality and speed of service delivery through the reduction of physical constraints that were faced before. We intend to take full advantage of the WiFi installation at the center and align to all the current technological trends in order to be relevant in this global village we inhabit.


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