MHDispensaryOutreach 2Moto Hope Dispensary in partnership with the Beyond Zero Mobile Clinic had their monthly medical outreach in Sirikwa ward of Molo on 2/3/2018.

 Our medical practitioners Isaac Maigua and Joseph Makori Bundi offered free services to close to one hundred residents of Sirikwa. The services offered included;Consultation services, immunization for children, breast and cervical cancer screening for women, prostate cancer screening for men as well as HIV testing and counseling.

The Beyond Zero mobile clinic provided the vaccines, the HIV kits and the Lab Kits for our team's use. The dire need for these services was evident as the villagers kept streaming in despite the on and off rains and the extremely cold weather that was experienced in most of the day.

Most of the mothers who showed up for their little ones' immunization solely depend on the free mobile clinic as they are unable to access public hospitals or private health facilities which are very costly.

The next outreach will be in April-2018 as we purpose to continue to reach out and empower communities.

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