Mentorship dpOur children at St. Francis Moto Hope Center and Academy had an exciting mentorship day on 10/3/2018.

Mentorship 1The grades 6,7, and 8 pupils couldn't hide their elation as they cheerfully rushed to the Multi-purpose hall for the day's event. Having had prior knowledge of the theme: Knowing yourself-Who are you? the children had their own understanding of what it entailed and were eager to share and learn.

The guest speaker was Mr. Eugene Juma Baraza a finance officer by profession and a Mentor/Inspirational speaker at Rudi Foundation. Other speakers were Mr. Stephen Onyando the head teacher Mentorship 13St. Francis Moto Hope Academy and Ms. Verarita Wananyanga a communications officer at Moto Hope Mission.

The children had a very engaging session where they actively listened, discussed , asked and answered questions that guided them towards better self awareness. Mentorship 14They learned about the various processes of knowing who they are, the importance of knowing themselves, and how self awareness can lead to success. At the end of the day, they were able to isolate the things about themselves Mentorship 6that they can controlMentorship 16 from those they cannot and what to do about them.

The Johari's window and SWOT analysis simply explained also guided them on self knowledge. Our children were exposed to content that will further help us to raise them to believe in themselves, be self driven, confident and people of focus and integrity.

We purpose to continue  providing holistic education to our pupils! Next month's mentorship will be on 20-22/4/2018 for grades 7,8 and the 2015-2017 Moto Hope Academy Alumni.

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