MotoBarakaExam Release dpThe grade eight class of St. Francis Moto Hope Academy sat for the Distinction National Class examination (Moto-Baraka Exam) between 8th-10th March this year (2018).

 Baraka Boys Primary school which shares a lot of our values and education system also sat the same exam. There is an ongoing healthy academic rivalry between our Academy and Baraka boys and it is a great fete to engage academically.

Our headmaster Mr.Stephen Onyando accompanied the grade eight subject teachers to the release of the exam which took place at Baraka-Molo on 14th March 2018. The event also served as a benchmarking engagement for both the teachers and students to interact, exchange ideas and learn from each other.

 Our students performed exemplarily well in the standard exam that serves as a pacesetter for the forthcoming National Exam (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education KCPE Exam).

We are very optimistic that our children will achieve academic excellence. They continue to record excellent performance and we carry on taking all the necessary measures to ensure they achieve academic excellence. 

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