coldweather8Our children are safe from the unfortunate flooding disaster that has hit Kenya in the current  long rains period; for the better part of last semester spilling over to the current semester.

Our Academy is built on the raised lands of Moto hills which allows the rain water to flow downstream. Our drainage system is also top notch to be able to handle all of the excess rain water. Molo region in Nakuru County is among the coldest regions of Kenya. The rainy season lasts 8.1 months, from March to November, with a greater than 41% chance of a given day being a rainy day.

coldweather12In this regard we have put in place additional  measures that allow our children toCold weather11 be warm and comfortable. Our fully operational hot water system provides hot water for our boarding children's bath. Teachers and matrons are on high alert to ensure that every child dresses warmly.

We encourage layering up while dressing to cover the head, neck and hands. There are strict rules guiding play and unnecessary exposure to the cold.

The pupils are not allowed to walk in the rain and if necessary they have to use their umbrellas. Teachers and matrons also look out for any signs of shivering, slurred speech and unusual clumsiness, in order to keep hypothermia at bay. The resident matrons also patrol the dorms at night to ensure the kids are well covered as they rest.coldweather1

Coldweather10Our children are kept hydrated to replenish the excessive water loss common to this period. Warm water, tea and porridge is served at regular intervals to encourage hydration and warmth.

We assure our parents, sponsors, friends and people of good will of our children's safety and pray to God to keep us so!


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