Rotary2We are very excited at the prospect of kicking off the much anticipated and invaluable Moto Hope Maternal & Child Health Program in Molo, Kenya.

The program that is a partnership between St. Francis Moto Hope Dispensary-Molo and Ruiru and Canadian Kelowna Rotary clubs targets six villages in Molo with a population of over 30,000 people with the major goal of accelerating the reduction of maternal and child morbidity and mortality.

Today, (16/8/2018) The Rotary Club of Ruiru(Kenya) members held a very engaging and enlightening project kick off meeting with our Moto Hope medical officers and Project volunteers (Rotary Community Corps) at Moto Hope Academy to chat a way forward for the successful implementation of the program.

They held very exhaustive discussions on how they'll each contribute to the attainment of the program's objective of:Improving health for expectant mother and child through: Access to skilled care before, during and after childbirth, Regular antenatal checkup,Post natal check up and the education of adolescents on family life.

In addition the program will also go a long way in protecting our target communities from preventable diseases as well as improve their socioeconomic welfare.

The success of this program will be our contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 3: reducing the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100 000 births and we pray that God be our guide and help.

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