MC37The gratitude and joy on the faces of the beneficiaries of this month's free medical camp (Sept.13-15, 2018) were a sight to behold at our Dispensary and Center in Molo, Kenya.

The very efficient and charitable team of the medical mission trip to Kenya was led by Dr. Margo and Dr. Chrissy who together with our medical practitioners at Moto Hope Dispensary as well as a few volunteers from nearby health facilities made a formidable team.

The three day camp registered an influx of patients with the numbers growing by the day. The 13th recorded a total of 180 patients, 14th a total of 250, and the 15th a total of 280. 27 cases had successful  free minor surgical procedures performed. They received a new lease of life they remarked, for most had no means to get the operations done for years on end.

Besides the minor surgical procedures done, the beneficiaries received general treatment, pharmaceutical services in which they received the prescribed drugs free of charge. In addition, breast, cervical and prostate cancer screening were offered as well as various laboratory tests done and diagnosis made.

It is remarkable that a total of 710 people received the much needed medical attention from the camp. We thank God almighty for three days of massive success and feel honored by the dedication of the medical trips to Kenya as well as everyone who took part in ensuring its success.

We look forward to the next camp in January next year as more interested people continue to stream into our facility in Kenya to register for future free surgical procedures that would otherwise be unaffordable in the public hospitals.

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