ThGi 41What shall we offer to our God for all He has done, keeps doing, and promises to do for us? God has done so much for us and our gratitude goes up to him in praise and thanksgiving.

To this end, we celebrated such a joyous Thanksgiving Holy Mass at Moto Hope Center on the afternoon of 8th June 2022.
Rev. Fr. Paul Gitonga of St. Mary's Parish, Molo, led us in offering our heartfelt gratitude to God.
We gave and continue to give thanks for:
The great KCPE results posted by our class of 2021.
The remarkable progress of all the children at the Academy.
The unity of purpose of all our staff and parents.
The gift of our benefactors, partners, friends, and people of goodwill.
The gift of life and good health.
and all the blessings that He bestows on each one of us!
Fr. Gitonga blessed and prayed for all the staff and the KCPE class of 2022, as well as all the children, entrusting them into the able hands of God.
We give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!

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