Candidates 7We are very excited to report that Candidates in class eight and those in grade six have concluded their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) examinations.

The three-day exams started on Monday 30th October and ended today, 1st November! This is the last KCPE exam to be done in the country after 38 years of its implementation in Kenya. It marks the end of the 8 years of primary school in the old 8.4.4 system onto the new

With God's help, we prepared our candidates well, they each put their best foot forward and we are definitely trusting God for great results and a 100% transition to High School (Form1) for the class 8s and to Moto Hope Junior High School (Grade 7) for the Grade 6 cohort come next year(2024)!

Candidates 1 Candidates 2
Candidates 3 Candidates 4
Candidates 5 Candidates 6


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