13th Programs 7Wednesday afternoons are arguably becoming favourite afternoons of the weekdays, for the students as they find their footing in clubs and programs that speak to their hearts and their talents, gifts and interests.

This Wednesday, 13 March, was amazing!
1. The chess club worked their brains with Coach Gitari.
2. The Journalism Club prepared News items for us and got set to go out to the field and bring us news on the coming Zonal Athletics Competitions.
3. The Skating Club worked on perfecting their skill.
4. Our word champions, the Scrabble Club were out to amaze us with complex board words displays.
5. Our little dancers were eager for us to see them burst moves.
6. The Keep Fit Club (Karate & Taekwondo) showed us that they are gradually getting the Kata 1 concepts.
7. The Visual Arts Club had our little artists from lower grades working on drawing from observation, as the upper classes, Grades 4-8 worked on still life drawing.
8. Our scientists, designed toy cars using motors.
9. Music Club’s piano class was Music to our ears, literally!

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