For such a wondrous term and school year, we definitely had the end we deserved!
Tuesday the 21st will remain etched in our minds and hearts, thanks to the Talent and Fashion Shows on Closing Day.
Students from different clubs and programs, including the Visual Arts, Dance, Performing Arts, and Science clubs, displayed/performed to an excited crowd that cheered them on all the way.
The scientists were the most excited to present to us and to our dear Founder and Patron, Rev. Fr. Francis Kabiru. We are so proud of them for we witnessed future scientists, engineers, doctors, and biologists.
Our beautiful children strut the runway in beautiful outfits, acing interviews and giving us a beauty pageant like no other. In the end, we had our very own little Miss and Little Mr. St. Francis Moto Hope Academy, both epitomes of all-round students.
Students who excelled in various fields, i.e. Academics, extracurricular activities, sports, and contests e.g. the Spelling Bee and Rubik Cube Championships, were all handsomely rewarded.
Teachers and staff were not left behind as each took home what they deserved!
We are truly grateful to everyone at Moto Hope Center and Academy and all stakeholders for it is the unity of purpose and God’s unwavering help and sufficient graces that have culminated in all the success we have enjoyed through the term and school year 2024!