Through their dedication and compassion, the Molo Medical Missions Teams from the USA, working with the Kenyan Teams have shown us what loving when it is hardest to love truly means!
In the October 2024 Free Minor Surgeries and Podiatric Care Medical Camp of 22nd to 26th, the Minor Surgeries Team saw 122 patients, performed 93 surgeries and 29 consults, while the Podiatry Team Saw 69 patients, 30 consults, performed 20 surgeries and 19 procedures and the Anesthetics Team 20 anesthetics.
The Mission Teams’ love, care, and generosity touched the beneficiaries to heights they’d not imagined as they were served all day and into the night on most days of the camp. Children, youth, the older and the elderly, men and women, were amazed by the fact that the life-changing services and surgeries performed, continue to be free of charge year after year.
This is largely because, on a normal day in Kenya, and in both public and private hospitals, the said procedures are relatively expensive and quite unaffordable for the greater percentage of those who showed up.
Even more humbling and touching, was that, as soon as they arrived, Chrissy’s Team was ready to get started. Hence, a few beneficiaries were served on the 21st even before the Camp officially started on the 22nd. What’s more, even the 21st ended quite late.
It was indeed a week of incredible impact! Children had life-changing surgeries performed on them that will improve the quality of their lives as they grow into what God intends them to be. Older school-going children on the other hand were most pleased that they would no longer be objects of ridicule and bullying. This is thanks to the surgeries that are a great boost to their self-esteem and confidence. Men and women will better provide for their children and families for the surgeries and podiatric care will go a long way in enabling them to perform their daily economic activities and work, more efficiently.
We are eternally grateful to all stakeholders, friends, and partners of the Molo Medical Missions, volunteers; Kenyan Teams, and all USA visiting teams for making this noble venture a remarkable success! May God bless you abundantly!
To you: Chrissy Thell, Hannah Thell, Steve Schmid, Caitlin Malin, Hattie Duininck, Troy Duininck, Kris Mazar, Renae Tarino, Fritz Karsnia, Maria Olson, Amber Flot, Mackenzie Merta, Jill Andersen, Brandon Andersen, Alli Faricy and Fr. Francis Kabiru, you have left an indelible mark in the hearts and lives of all you served, all you helped, and everyone you worked with and interacted with in the week you were here with us. Receive our heartfelt gratitude. God bless you!