G23 Class Conference 4Our dear parents and guardians are essential to our success as Moto Hope Center and Academy.

Their wonderful insights, suggestions, and feedback, have time and again enabled us to run seamlessly while ensuring the holistic education, mentorship, and nurturing of all learners. This week is class conferences week: Yesterday, Tuesday, 4th Preschoolers & Grade 1, Today Grades 2 &3, and tomorrow Grades 4 & 5. We are quite impressed by the high turn-up of parents/guardians and their readiness to cooperate and play their roles with love and commitment.

Plans are underway to have our Grades 6,7,8 and 9 parents come in for a CBC Career Pathways Awareness Day which will be combined with their class conference. We are quite excited about this Awareness Day especially, as it will offer them a chance into more understanding of where/what next after Junior High and a chance to seek clarity and ask all their questions.

Hearty gratitude to our dear parents and guardians. God bless you!

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